Evangelism Ministries

screen-shot-2016-09-30-at-6-31-36-pmThe Alpha Conference is prayerfully committed to, “enlarging the place of our tent” (Isaiah 54:2-3) and becoming a “Place of Hope” and “People of Promise.” We believe it is imperative to Biblically train, disciple and evangelize to obey the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and fulfill the Acts 1:8 mandate, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth (ESV).”

Alpha is committed more than ever to increasing both the number and effectiveness of our churches in Alabama, northwest Florida and neighboring areas. Church planting, church growth/revitalization, training, and building relationships with non-denominational churches, form the core of evangelism efforts within Alpha Ministries.

The IPHC national ministry division, Evangelism USA (EVUSA), provides much support, training, and resources to assist USA conferences to do the same with local church leaders, pastors and ministers. The focus is to cast vision, create an atmosphere, and coordinate the use of resources.

In 2010, EVUSA became partners with Dynamic Church Planting International (DCPI). This partnership allows EVUSA to use DCPI materials and provide instructors to teach DCPI church planting and revitalization principals. The partnership has proven to be very beneficial for all. Alpha is pleased to be involved and conduct the DCPI training within the conference.

Church Planting Essentials is the first course in the DCPI regimen. This course is also beneficial for existing churches to hone and refocus their vision, plan and timeline, for ministry renewal and/or planning an effective relaunch. For more information on this course, please click this link.

To view a video from the EVUSA staff about the effectiveness of DCPI training, click this link http://iphc.org/evangelism/DCPI-Training/ or watch the video below.

To learn more about EVUSA, visit http://iphc.org/evangelism/