Alpha Ministries is dedicated to engage, equip and empower pastors and ministers to fulfill their life purpose and reach their full Kingdom potential as an Ephesian 4 leader (Ephesians 4:11-12). Several essential steps are important in this life-long journey:
- Affirmation of God’s call to ministry
- Completing the credentialing process as the foundation
- Discovering and developing the minister’s spiritual formation, which includes spiritual gifts, natural gifts and acquired skills
- Encouraging ministers to develop and maintain Godly character
- Elevating ministers to finish well and leave a Godly legacy
If you have interest in becoming part of Alpha’s ministerial cadre, please see the Credentials Process document and Ministerial Application Forms tab. Thank you. For assistance and/or more information, please email
To view the IPHC Continuing Education Program reading list CLICK HERE.
To read the online edition of “ENCOURAGE” Magazine, please CLICK HERE.