Benefits for Pastors, Ministers and Member Churches within the Alpha Ministries Conference and IPHC include, but are not limited to the following:
- Shared Ministry and Partnership opportunities in over 100 nations of the world
- Shared Ministry and Partnership opportunities within the Conference
- Shared vision, mission, and core values within the Alpha Conference and the IPHC
- 501 c 3 covering under the IPHC General Exemption with the IRS
- Assistance with church structure, governance and leadership including spiritual covering, accountability, finances, etc.
- Spiritual leadership and ministry oversight during pastoral transition and church issues
- Discipleship and ministry programs to assist local churches with quality resources
- Credentialing opportunities within the IPHC
- 403-b Retirement for Alpha IPHC ministers and full-time church employees
- IPHC Financial Services, including the IPHC Extension Loan Fund and IPH Foundation
- Two four-year liberal art colleges which include Schools of Christian Ministry and two additional Bible colleges
- Denominational Publishing House
- Conference Ministerial Credentialing Program/School of Ministry
- Vetted ministers and leaders, ministry and financial accountability (ministers and churches)
- Ministry development and church growth training for the local church
- Spiritual enrichment for local churches via camp meeting, annual conference sessions and specialized training, i.e., prayer, women’s ministries, men’s ministries, family ministries, student ministries, children ministries, church revitalization, boys ministries, girls ministries, etc.
- Conference-wide children and youth summer camp programs; national student events
- Conference and nationally organized Mission trip opportunities
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