Alpha Ministries is a network of pastors, ministers, and churches in Alabama, West Florida, South Central Tennessee, and the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Alpha has a rich ministry heritage that spans more than one hundred years. The conference formally organized in 1925. Alpha is one of twenty-eight regional conferences in the International Pentecostal Holiness Church (IPHC) within the United States. Moreover, the IPHC is a global church, with ministry in over 100 nations. For more information on the IPHC, please click here.
Alpha Ministries’ vision, mission and core values clearly define our intention to obey both the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. Our pastors and ministers are essential to our purpose. We highly esteem these called servants of God and place great value on their continual growth and development. Accordingly, Alpha Ministries’ leadership is committed to engage, equip and empower ministers and churches to reach their full Kingdom potential, for the glory of God. In addition, Alpha aggressively seeks to plant new churches and revitalize existing churches on an annual basis.
The conference serves as an umbrella (covering) for ministers and churches while giving room for each church to be diverse and unique in its ministry. God created each leader and church with distinctive gifts and ministry characteristics. To minister effectively, there must be room for flexibility and creativity. We welcome the Holy Spirit’s creative and diverse workmanship in the Body of Christ. Therefore, Alpha Ministries seeks to foster a spirit of fellowship, cooperation and partnership. We can accomplish far more together, than apart. The covering is available to new church plants and independent groups who agree with the IPHC doctrinal statements and articles of faith.
God has positioned Alpha Ministries in the IPHC and the greater Body of Christ for such a time as this. He has brought together a special cadre of Spirit-formed ministers to provide spiritual direction and ministry leadership. We pray for revival fires to spread across our conference. We pray for renewal and awakening in our nation. We pray for people of like heart and passion to join with us to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ through Biblical worship, learning, fellowship and discipleship, in the power of the Holy Spirit.
To review more benefits of becoming a minister and/or member church in Alpha Ministries, please click this link.